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One of those things in a sentence

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Sentence count:37Posted:2019-02-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: make the best of thingsin the nature of thingsa close thingline of thoughtthe thin end of the wedgesee thingsnothing of the kindto my way of thinking
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1. It was just one of those things that happens after a few bevvies.
2. It wasn't your fault. It was just one of those things.
3. I need a - a whatchamacallit - one of those things that you can caramelize sugar with.
4. One of those things was that the stock market might fall, oh, say, 20 percent this year.
5. A learning experience is one of those things that says, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that. Douglas Adams 
6. He says its one of those things, but it won't happen again.
7. It was one of those things you know, when you get called names.
8. Have you ever tried to break one of those things?
9. It is just one of those things.
10. It was simply one of those things, pure coincidence.
11. Which is fine of course, but it's just one of those things I notice.
12. It was one of those things that gave you a false feeling of soldiering.
13. Thanks a lot. I know it was just one of those things.
14. She's spinning around like one of those things that spins.
15. It's one of those things that is hard to put a finger on right now.
16. "It is kind of one of those things where we kind of take the night off, " said Bryant, who averaged 33.3 points in his previous four games. "I wanted to make sure from the jump that we didn't.
17. When was the last time you did one of those things for a friend?
18. It has become one of those things where you might have one or two gurus in your company who are the only ones that anybody trusts to do any kind of non-trivial concurrent
19. This is one of those things we have no alternative but to do.
20. Learning the piano used to be one of those things only nerdy Chinese boys did while all the cool kids played sports after school (weep), but Etude might change that.
21. That's one of those things we are going to skip while we have a lovely day.
22. He doesn't love me any more and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. It's just one of those things.
23. It wasn't really the driver's fault; it was just one of those things.
24. The road was blocked, so we missed the meeting - it was just one of those things.
25. The first thing to say is that this is one of those things that can disappoint us.
26. He was a bad lot and it was just one of those things.
27. Mike Wilkinson didn't choose to become a press photographer - it was one of those things that just happened.
28. Okay, I can picture it happening, like I said I have, one of those things that happen.
29. "I wonder why." Mr. Dambar shrugged. "It must be just one of those things, I guess."
30. How long do you think it takes to sharpen one of those things?
More similar words: make the best of thingsin the nature of thingsa close thingline of thoughtthe thin end of the wedgesee thingsnothing of the kindto my way of thinkingout-of-the-box thinkingone of the boysone of these daystake things as they areout of thin aircome out of the closetquite the thingthingsnothingsseethingteething ringteethingof all thingsas things arethe thing issure thingsomethingfor one thingbathing suitother things being equalas things standsweet nothings
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